+32 (0)10 22.61.48
Rue du Chemin de Fer, 11 - 1300 WAVRE
Ouvert du mardi au samedi - de 10h00 à 13h00 et de 14h00 à 18h00
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Colle Epoxy à 2 composants, sèche en 30 minutes.
Premium high strength two part epoxy adhesive, dries in 30 minutes.
En savoir plus
30 Minute Z-Poxy is a premium high strength two part epoxy adhesive that dries clear. Vibration resistant and fuel proof, this epoxy is perfect for all types of hobbies and crafts. Use it on all fire wall and engine mount installations, its perfect for attaching bulkheads and formers in epoxy glass fuselages and model boat hulls. It does not get brittle with age and is easy to mix, just combine equal parts by volume. Handy to have at home for all types of fix-it jobs, great to have in the shop for all types of wood working and furniture repair.
Works best on aluminium, ceramic, china, crafts, fabric, fibergrass, furniture, glass, metal, plastics, pottery, rubber, tile and wood.
Avis client : ZAP 30 Minute Z-Poxy (2*118ml)
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Outillage & Fournitures
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