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Rochers froissés / Wrinkle Rocks “Großglockner”
Noch - NOCH60301
En savoir plus
Wrinkle Rocks make it easy to create super-realistic rock formations in no time at all. The photorealistic rocks are printed on special paper, which is extremely robust and at the same time easy to wrinkle. Just don’t be afraid: the more crazily and fiercely you wrinkle, the finer the structures become in the rock. And it looks really good!
Fitting it in the landscape is incredibly easy. The wrinkled sheet of rock can easily be affixed to the landscape with NOCH Landscaping Glue (ref. 61133). The sheet can easily be bent over the terrain.
NOCH Wrinkle Rocks have been developed in cooperation with the Andreas Dietrich Modelling Studio in Austria. Andreas Dietrich invented the original Wrinkle Rocks a few years ago and has registered this as a trademark.
Advantages of the Wrinkle Rocks:
Avis client : Rochers froissés / Wrinkle Rocks “Wildspitze”
Aucun avis n'a été publié pour le moment.
30 Autres produits dans la catégorie Construction de paysages
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