+32 (0)10 22.61.48
Rue du Chemin de Fer, 11 - 1300 WAVRE
Ouvert du mardi au samedi - de 10h00 à 13h00 et de 14h00 à 18h00
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The set includes all the necessary colours for the majority of WWII German military vehicles and ranges from the periscope glass colour, tail lights, and metallic tools, and includes two tones for wooden parts. This set also includes the most common German base camouflage colours of Panzer Grey and Dark Yellow for painting jacks and fire extinguishers that were painted in these tones even when the rest of the vehicle was camouflaged in different colours. An aluminium colour is also included for accurately represent chipping effects on the various gear and equipment.
Included colors:
Avis client : Set Acrylique German Tool Colors, WWII
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