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En savoir plus
New upgraded jigs for Biplane from VERTIGO for scale 1/32 1/24 1/48
All improvements are based on the comments modelers from around the world
* stronger base and construction
* precision calibrations
* easy assembling
* anti-skid base with silicon ruber legs
* with full geometry supports
* supports have wings profile
* clamping for work on the side of the model with both hands free
* you need minimal glue
* you assembling to 10 minutes
* you can supply the upgrade kit for Basic and Evo BI 7248 - VMP010 ..if you bay your jigs upgrade to jigs for classic airplane with full geometry for your models
Avis client : Gabarits de montage pour avion biplan / jigs for Biplane EVO BI 3224
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Les actualités
Dès l’âge de 5 ans avec des maquettes de type « Quick build », c’est possible, quelques pièces à assembler sans colle et déjà peintes. Dès l’âge de 8 ans, les enfants peuvent commencer des...
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