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Micro Sol Décal Solution

Micro sol solution Agrandir l'image



Le Micro Sol est utilisé après la pose de la décalque pour un tendu parfait.

Grâce au produit la décalque épouse parfaitement tous les reliefs de la maquette.

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22 Articles

6,95 €

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Micro Sol setting solution is for the most difficult irregular surfaces to be found on models.

It completely softens the Microscale Decal, allowing it to drape down onto the surface of the model, comforming perfectly to surface irregularities without distortion.

The most amazing results in seemingly impossible places are possible because Micro Sol actually makes the decal part of the painted surface.

For that reason you should coat Micro Sol on for only a few seconds and then leave it alone. It does the work.

Do not touch until the decal has dried, as the decal is very soft at this stage and could be easily damaged.

For the best results, first apply Micro Sol to prepare the surface and enhance the adhesive.

Make sure the surface is free of particles that could get under the decal's film and cause a blemish.

Then, when everything is dry enough that the decal will not move easily, apply Micro Sol with a small flat brush.

Apply with as few strokes as possible so a not to disturb the decal.

Then allow the decal to dry without disturbing it.

One application is enough in most cases, but if necessary, a second application of Micro Sol can be helpful.

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Micro Sol Décal Solution

Micro Sol Décal Solution

Le Micro Sol est utilisé après la pose de la décalque pour un tendu parfait. Grâce au produit la décalque épouse parfaitement tous les reliefs de la maquette.

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