Home > Micro Coat Flat - 1 oz. bottle (Clear Flat finish)

Micro Coat Flat - 1 oz. bottle (Clear Flat finish)

Micro Coat Flat - 1 oz. bottle (Clear Flat finish) Agrandir l'image



Description : Vernis acrylique mat de finition, pour la protection d'objets devant être manipulés régulièrement. 

Description: The Micro Coat finishes are more than just a pretty look. This is one tough finish, and a real breakthrough in a modern formulation of water reducible acrylic resin. For models that get a lot of handling this is the answer.

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Micro Coat Flat - 1 oz. bottle (Clear Flat finish)

Micro Coat Flat - 1 oz. bottle (Clear Flat finish)

Description : Vernis acrylique mat de finition, pour la protection d'objets devant être manipulés régulièrement.  Description: The Micro Coat finishes are more than just a pretty look. This is one tough finish, and a real breakthrough in a modern formulation of water reducible acrylic resin. For models that get a lot of handling this is the answer.

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