+32 (0)10 22.61.48
Rue du Chemin de Fer, 11 - 1300 WAVRE
Ouvert du mardi au samedi - de 10h00 à 13h00 et de 14h00 à 18h00
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En savoir plus
These four tools can be used to carve the foam and for modeling of figures and accesories.
They have the most useful types of tips for carving and shaping your models, bases, foams and other materials.
These tools are made of stainless steel and it is recommended to always wash them with soap and water after using these with any material, and dry them well with a soft cloth.
This set comes in a handy and solid aluminium box.
Avis client : 4 Carving & Modeling Tools
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30 Autres produits dans la catégorie Limer / Graver / Sculpter / Poncer
Outillage & Fournitures
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