+32 (0)10 22.61.48
Rue du Chemin de Fer, 11 - 1300 WAVRE
Ouvert du mardi au samedi - de 10h00 à 13h00 et de 14h00 à 18h00
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In December 2020, the Air Component of the Belgian Armed Forces received the first of seven A400M Atlas transporters to replace its aging fleet of C-130 Hercules. These seven aircraft, in addition to the single A400M purchased by neighboring Luxembourg (produced before as 535649), are operated by 20 Squadron from Melsbroek Air Base, on the north end of Brussels Airport. With the arrival of the new transports, both countries officially established a binational unit, flexibly sharing transport capacities when the need arises.
Avis client : Airbus A400M Atlas Belgian Air Component 20 Sqd. Melsbroek (B) 1/500
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