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GSW2798 / 8435646501581ES
En savoir plus
Une machine a flocage ou une boîte applicateur d'herbe statique est un dispositif de flocage unique et polyvalent qui permet le flocage d'herbes réalistes pour les modèles à petite échelle et les figurines de wargames. Avec cet outil, vous pourrez facilement créer des touffes et gommages d'herbe statiques réalistes ainsi que le flocage de nombreuses autres surfaces telles que des créations de scrapbooking, des boîtes à bijoux, des jouets et des arbres en plastique, par exemple.
The GSW Grass Flock Applicator Box is a unique and versatile flocking device that allows the flocking of realistic grasses for small-scale models and wargame figures. With this tool, you will be able to easily create realistic static grass tufts and scrubs as well as the flocking of many other surfaces such as scrapbooking creations, jewelry boxes, toys, and plastic trees, for example.
We recommend using the Green Stuff World high electrostatic flock range for better performance since it has been specially manufactured to maximize electrical conductivity. Using low-quality flock fibers, or even old and dried flocks may result in less satisfactory results.
In reference to which glue is better to use, you can simply use PVA glue, but we recommend using TUFT GLUE from Green Stuff World since it has better properties and results. This tuft glue holds the flocking better, has very little or non-dripping, and also allows you to create repositionable tufts.
The Green Stuff World’s Grass Flock Applicator Box is powered by a 9V battery (not supplied) which provides a static electric current to charge the flock fibers, causing them to be arranged vertically on the mat, paper, or other craft materials, giving a realistic 3D effect. The grass flock applicator box is efficient and delivers excellent results, it is cordless and only requires a 9v battery, so no unnecessary cables are needed. Lightweight and protected design allow you to work more safely and cleanly in the workspace.
Take advantage of the included flocking chamber that simplifies the flocking process to the maximum, reduces the consumption of grass flocks, and avoids the dispersion of all the fibers on the surface around the machine.
Finally, we recommend carefully reading the warnings in our user manual, also available on our website, to avoid minor accidental electroshocks, as well as wearing adequate protection during use and handling.
Avis client : Machine à flocage / Grass Flock Applicator Box
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