+32 (0)10 22.61.48
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En savoir plus
With the Cobra Motor range of colours you can paint any zone of the vehicles, not only the bodywork but also the interiors, engines, rims, tyres, lights, exhausts, trims and any other detail of your favourite vehicles.
Cobra Motor paints are acrylic based, but when airbrushed and diluted they behave like lacquers, thanks to their great resistance, covering capacity and fluidity. They also have a great self-levelling capacity which makes them very easy to use with both airbrush and brush. The biggest difference with other paints for car modelling is that they are non-toxic, which will allow you to reduce the toxic part of your hobby only to the lacquering phase. Another great advantage is that as they require dilution, the cans have a much higher yield than other brands of paints, so that one jar can be used for 4 or more models.
With this set you can paint the engine of any vehicle, including metal parts as well as rubber components, ducts, cables, and plumbing.
The Cobra Motor paint range is formulated with the highest quality controls, resulting in a highly resistant product with very vibrant colours. Thanks to its new formulation, they are recommended to be applied directly from the jar with a brush or with an airbrush by adding the A.MIG-2260 Acrylic Thinner. In both cases, you will achieve a smooth and uniform surface with very little effort.
Set contents:
Application tips for Cobra Motor paints:
-Dilute Cobra Motor paints in the proportion you prefer, normally between 30% and 60%, with its thinner A.MIG-2260 Cobra Motor Thinner & Cleaner or with A.MIG-2000 Acrylic Thinner, it doesn't matter. To use them with a brush you can apply them undiluted or diluted with a little water.
-Hold the model with a support on the inside, so that you never touch it with your fingers, as this can create craters or imperfections in the lacquer. Use gloves that are completely clean of talcum powder and dirt.
-Approximate air pressure: 1.5 bar-22 psi.
-Drying time to touch at 20°C: 20 minutes.
-Curing time: 24 hours.
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