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GSW2304 / 8436574506631ES
Produits associés
Fimo Professional Gris Dauphin / Dolphin Grey 454gr
Green Stuff World - GSW8041-80 / 4007817053836ES
Super Sculpey Clay Beige, 454gr
Green Stuff World - GSW1029 / 8436554360291ES
Super Sculpey Medium Blend, Gris/Grey 454gr
Green Stuff World - GSW1275 / 8436554362752ES
Vaseline de modélisme / Sculptor Vaseline, 50ml
Green Stuff World - GSW1302 / 8436554363025ES
En savoir plus
1º Mélanger convenablement l'argile/mastic que vous voulez sculpter jusqu'à ce qu'il soit prêt à être utilisé selon les recommandations du fabricant.
2º Étendre l’argile/mastic sur la surface pour mettre une texture. Pour obtenir des meilleures résultats, égaliser la surface correctement avant de mettre en oeuvre les rouleaux.
*** It est recommandé d'utiliser un rouleau lisse à cette fin.
3º En fonction du type de matériel à utiliser, il sera nécessaire ou non d'humidifier le rouleau pour éviter qu'il soit collé.
4º Passer le rouleau lentement en exerçant la même pression dans tous les points pour obtenir une texture similaire.
5º Réduire les excès de l’argile/mastic. Il est recommandé faire cela une fois que l'argile/mastic ait été cémentée.
Rouleau Texturé VIDEO 2 VIDEO 3 VIDEO 4 VIDEO 5 VIDEO 6
Textured Rolling Pins capable of pressing a continuous repeated pattern on clay and putties. Made of clear PMMA plastic with amazing non-sticking properties. Non-toxic. They come in several different textures that you can purchase based on your specific needs.
Length: 14'50 cm
Diameter: 2’5cm
Scale: 28-35mm
Footprint width: 10mm
1st - Properly mix the putty/clay until ready according to the manufacturer's recommendations.
2nd - Extend the putty/clay on a surface to be textured. For optimal results, make sure you have got a smooth and even surface before impressing with the Rolling Pins. *** We recommend using a plain Rolling Pin for this.
3rd - Depending on the type of putty/clay, it is advisable to wet the Rolling Pin to prevent any sticking.
4th - Slowly move the Rolling Pin applying equal pressure at all points for an even texture.
5th - Trim any excess putty/clay with a sharp knife. It is recommended to do this once it has dried to avoid any deformations in the putty/clay.
There are plenty of different putties and clays on the market and all of them can be textured using the proper technique.
Usually polymer clay (Fimo or Sculpey type) are quite simple to work with these Rolling Pins as they allow for an easy correction of mistakes before they are baked. If the aim is to make textured bases, we recommend using MDF bases, because you can texture the polymer clay directly onto an MDF base, and then put it all in the oven, including the base. The cooking time of these clays are around 15 minutes at 150ºC. MDF Wood may leave a slight scent similar to that of toasted bread, but don't worry it won’t burn!
In the case of epoxy putties, there are a variety of techniques which achieve similar results. Good thing is. you do not need to bake them, so they may be applied directly onto plastic bases.
For Green Stuff putty, which is particularly sticky, it is required to slightly wet either the putty or the Rolling Pin with some water before texturing. You may also reduce the stickiness by applying talcum powder, or using Sculptor Vaseline.
Other epoxy putties like the Milliput putty, for example, are also suitable, but we wouldn't recommend to wet them much since it will hinder your work. Furthermore, if the mixture is too sticky, it is better to continue kneading until the stickiness is gone.
*** For this type of epoxy putties, it is very important to clean the rolling pins properly after use.
After working with the Rolling Pins, use a Scratch Brush and plenty of water to clean off any residue on the Rolling Pins if required.
Avis client : Rouleau texturé Chenilles de Char / Rolling Pin Tank Tracks
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