Home > Trains > Container carrier wagon "CMBT" Belge N

Container carrier wagon "CMBT" Belge N

Container carrier wagon "CMBT" Belge N Agrandir l'image


Container carrier wagon type Sgnss of the company IFB (Inter Ferry Boats) loaded with 40' container "CMBT" (Compagnie Maritime Belge Transport)

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1 Article

Attention : dernières pièces disponibles !

46,90 €

  • N (1/160)
  • VI : 2005 -
  • Privé / Private
  • Belgium

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Container carrier wagon "CMBT" Belge N

Container carrier wagon "CMBT" Belge N

Container carrier wagon type Sgnss of the company IFB (Inter Ferry Boats) loaded with 40' container "CMBT" (Compagnie Maritime Belge Transport)

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