Home > Trains > Wagon EDS Type 1000 E2 SNCB H0

Wagon EDS Type 1000 E2 SNCB H0

Wagon EDS Type 1000 E2 SNCB H0 Agrandir l'image


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1 Article

Attention : dernières pièces disponibles !

48,80 €

  • H0 (1/87)
  • SNCB

En savoir plus

“Attention! True-to-scale and true-to-original small models and electrical accessories for adult collectors. Not suitable for children under 14 years of age.

Only a toy transformer manufactured in accordance with VDE 0570-2-7/DIN EN 61558-2-7 may be used as a voltage source to operate this product.”

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Wagon EDS Type 1000 E2 SNCB H0

Wagon EDS Type 1000 E2 SNCB H0

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